印第安纳大学 严景文:Mining brain imaging and genetic data via structured sparse learning

([西财新闻] 发布于 :2017-12-20 )



题:Mining brain imaging and genetic data via structured sparse learning

主讲人印第安纳大学  严景文

主持人365网址经济信息工程学院 李太勇

间:20171222 10:00~12:00


主办单位:经济信息工程学院  科研处



严景文助理教授2007年于南京航空航天大学信息工程系获学士学位,2009于华中科技大学图像所获硕士学位, 2015年于印第安纳大学获博士学位。在印第安纳大学攻读博士期间师从沈理教授,主要从事结构稀疏学习及其在脑影像分析中的应用研究。后在印第安纳大学网络科学研究所师从Andrew Saykin教授研究脑网络和生物网络。2016年加入印第安纳大学印第安阿纳波利斯校区信息学院,现任生物信息系助理教授,博士生导师,同时在计算机学院和医学院兼任客座教授。主要研究方向包括结构稀疏学习,数据挖掘,网络分析及其在生物医学领域中的应用,例如疾病早期检测和疾病标记特征识别。目前在顶尖国际会议(MICCAI, ISBI, NIPS, IPMI, ECCB)和核心期刊(Briefings in Bioinformatics, Bioinformatics, Neurobiology of Aging, Scientific ReportBiodata Mining)发表论文50余篇, 多篇会议文章获邀口头演讲。目前参与美国国立卫生研究院RO1基金1项,主要侧重脑网络与基因组的关联研究。


Brain imaging genetics is an emerging research field that investigates the genetic effect on various brain phenotypes, measured by structural MRI, functional MRI and diffusion MRI. Recent efforts also extend to more intermediate phenotypes captured by gene and protein expression. New computational methods are in urgent need to tackle this high dimensional and heterogeneous data to help identify effective biomarkers for early therapeutic intervention. My research has been focused on developing novel machine learning models 1) to explore the complementary information between multi-modality data sets and 2) to investigate how that could benefit the biomarker discovery of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In this talk, I will introduce some structured sparse learning models that I have developed and demonstrate their applications in integrating imaging genetics data and AD biomarker discovery.

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